Saturday, December 21, 2013

It's been a long year.

It's been almost a year since I updated this blog. And I am sorry for that. I started this as a labor of love, got lazy, and didn't spend the time I needed to actually work on it. So I've decided to change that.

Tuesday will be when I try to talk about my personal feelings on current comic book events/story lines/ or movie stuff. Not just super heroes, but other comic related things.

Thursdays will be review days. I know comic day is Wednesday, but I am going to be super busy on Wed. next semester of college, so Thursday would be best.

Saturday will be fun topic day, where I just jabber about whatever pops into my head about comics: be it best fights, weird comic facts, or whatever has crossed my diseased brain.

I'm sorry for how life has been, and how lazy I have been. Hopefully, I can make it up to you.



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