Sunday, January 6, 2013

Hello and welcome to Comic Box Refuge!

This is rather exciting isn't it? I've been thinking about putting this blog together for a couple of months now. But I haven't had the courage to put this together until tonight. The idea of putting yourself out there on the internet is a daunting task, but I feel that it is worth starting this.

Why you ask?

*clears throat*
Because I read comic books, and I have opinions I'd like to share!!!

*ahem* that’s the simple answer, I love comic books. I've grown up since I was a little kid reading the adventures of Marvel and DCs greatest heroes along with many others. Lately I've spent more and more of my time discussing comics on Facebook. And I decided “Hey, why not share with the rest of the world and see what they have to say?”

 So what's the goal of this blog you ask? talk about comics. Weren't you paying attention to the whole loud declaration thingy earlier in my ramblings?  But really it's more than that. A lot of my joy with reading comics comes from sharing them with others. It always feels good to know when a particularly good comic was able to touch someone in a special way...or to get the satisfaction of ripping apart a bad story. Comics are an amazing medium and you can play around a lot more with the presentation and style than you can with just written text. Getting to share and talk about them is one of the best things about them.

(Get used to long winded paragraphs, folks. I like typing almost as much as I like sound of my own voice.)

So a few things about this blog before we get started.
1) Comics are expensive. Especially if you follow them on a regular basis. So I will mostly talk about what I am able to follow, which is mostly DC with a few Dark Horse and Image titles sprinkled in.

2) I am biased. I was raised reading classic Marvel, but I've been reading a lot more DC as of late, especially after the new 52 event recent the DC continuity and allowed me to jump in on several titles. I also really enjoy Dark Horse titles like the Goon and Image Skybound titles like Invincible. I like several Marvel characters like Henry Pym, Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Daredevil, etc.  But I just don't feel invested enough to buy Marvel comics regularly. That's what my Marvel reading friends are for! The same goes for other titles/companies I don't get to cover.

3) I have read a lot of comics. A lot. But I have not read all of them. So while I can talk on great lengths about them, I don't know EVERYTHING!!! I have not read every Infinite War of Secret Crisis on Two Earths. But that is okay, because you can tell me why it AWESOME and then we can talk about it!

4) I want to keep this blog fairly positive. I don't want to be all like "HERP DERP THIS IS BAD BECAUSE THINGS ARE DIFFERENT!!!"In my book, status quo is not God. But if a plot element is immature, comes right out of nowhere, or severely undermines what a character stands for, I will call a writer out for it.

5) I am planning on posting on my thoughts related to comics of the week, definitely my weekly comic runs, and on graphic novels. But I will also talk about comic games, movies, and figures if I can. I might deviate and post about something cool I think people should hear about, but mostly I'm sticking to comic/graphic novel related material.

6) I'm fairly new to this. I don't have a planned posting schedule at the moment. And this layout will probably change to. I'm just going to be tweaking things as I go. And I make mistakes. I get so caught up in what I’m thinking and typing that I will make typos.  I’ll try to be vigilant, but it’s going to happen.

 I can't wait to start blogging. I hope you guys will enjoy what I'm putting out here as much as I did, and that I will be able to just as much fun talking about what YOU recommend.

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