Monday, January 7, 2013

So I had ten dollars to blow...

And I wisely spent it on six issues of Saga, an Image comic title by Brian K. Vaughn. Damn,I feel like a criminal because that deal was a steal!

Saga is about a couple from opposite sides in a bloody war that has raged across the cosmos so long that now most of the conflict is being fought through proxy wars and mercenaries. Alana, a brash , down to earth woman from the high tech world of Landfall meets  POW Marko (a sensitive, romantic ,magic user) from Landfall's moon, The Wreath. They fall in love and have a baby together. Only problem is, they are both deserters and everyone on both sides wants them dead.

And good God this title is good. The characters dynamic is beautiful ( Alana definitely wears the pants in the family) , the bounty hunters chasing them are awesome three dimensional characters, the world has intriguing plot elements ( like magic requiring sacrifices to work properly) ...did I mention the art  by Fiona Staples?'s.awesome.Oh, and this story BEGINS with the birth of a new child , and it only strengthens the characters and makes them more interesting as they attempt to give their daughter the best life they can and HOLY SHIT PEOPLE, THIS NEVER HAPPENS IN COMICS!!!

 I went out and got the latest issues from the web. The cliffhanger for issue eight was so good, I smacked my computer because I felt cheated. Let me repeat, I was so frustrated that I had to wait another month for this story to conclude, I had to smack an inanimate object to relieve my frustration.

... I feel bad for not reading this sooner.

*word of warning, this comic is not afraid to show dicks and titties. And really weird alien shit. There was a pleasure planet involved. It was awkward.For everyone. So be prepared*

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