Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Martian Manhunter has villains!?

So I was watching Justice League: Doom ( awesome animated movie) and one thing was nagging at my mind. Each of the heroes was paired up with one of their toughest foes. Martian Manhunter even had a a villain who I had never seen before. He appeared to be a Martian like J'onn J'onzz. And he could shape shift like one too.

 So I did some research. He's Martian Manhunter's evil twin brother, Malefic. Which at first made me go, huh that's a little unoriginal. But then I dug a little deeper. He was arrested for mindraping another member of his kind, the worst offense on their planet. So the Martian High Council deleted all telepathic ability in him and erased the memory of his crime. Malefic became an outcast as a result, because his race was so inexorably link via their minds. He was so bitter he engineered a plague that would cause a Martian using their telepathic abilities TO ERUPT INTO FLAMES! Considering that Martians use telepathy all the time, you can imagine how quickly this disease spread. Now being set on fire is a bad thing right? Well to Martians, fire is one of the few things that can permanently damage them. It also didn't help that the Guardians of the Universe placed an intense phobia of fire into the Martians' minds to keep  from taking over the universe.Oh did I mention lobotomizing Malefic of his telepathy powers deprived him of his fear of fire? Dropped the ball on that one, Martian High Council. Dropped the ball big time.

So what I'm saying is, no matter what else this guy has done he is TERRIFYING in my opinion. Because anyone who wiped out most of his race with a telepathically spread fire plague for a crime he didn't remember committing deserves a pat on the back from the Joker.

So how many comics has he been in? Comic Vine says 18.

...So, Martian Manhunter has someone who can match him ability for ability, is a complete amoral psychopath to J'onn's stoic Lawful Good nature, and he created a plague that sounds like it almost single handily brought down Martian society. But he has only been in 18 comics?


Martian Manhunter is an awesome character. But to me, he's always that guy who is just there in the background. He's awesome and whenever he steps up it's memorable, but mostly the spotlight is directed at other characters. Well...maybe we could get some more stories with him smackin his evil twin around because one of the coolest parts of Justice League: Doom was the shapeshifter faceoff.

You get it? Faceoff? Because they were constantly changing fa-*SMACK,SMACK*


....But seriously, I spotlighted Malefic today because he looks like an awesome villain. An extremely powerful and evil villain. And most of all, because I think people over look Martian Manhunter a lot and maybe if he fought more people like this guy, he could get his own book. Which I would throw money at. A lot of money. Here's hoping  in the future, we will get to see more of Malefic.

1 comment:

  1. He definitely seems like a really cool villain and I would like to see more of him also I agree with you that Martian man Hunter should have more of a spotlight however I suppose it does work out with him being more of a background character because he’s not oversaturated and when you do see him you appreciate him that much more
